Why does my property business need email marketing?

Why does my property business need email marketing?

Email marketing guide 2


Whether you’re running a small local agency or heading a global enterprise, the figures make it very clear; your customers are online, on email, and responsive. They are regularly checking emails, at work, on the move, at home, and doing so using a whole range of devices, from PCs to smartphones, tablets and games consoles.

Therefore by communicating with prospective buyers via the channels they use, you can actively increase your number of leads and inevitably your number of sales. 

Benefits to your property business:

It’s cost effective: whilst there are copy writing and design costs involved with email marketing, the production and delivery costs are significantly lower than other marketing methods.

Gauges interest in a particular product or service: because they are cost effective, email marketing campaigns enable you to develop a number of campaigns to showcase individual products and services.

Increases customer communication: email marketing holds a global reach, meaning that no matter where you are in the world or whom you want to reach you can do so easily.

It’s active: Email marketing actively sends communications to those specifically interested in your products rather than relying on them finding you.

Strengthens customer relationships: email marketing is the least intrusive form of marketing communication, meaning interested parties can respond at their leisure, this can often lead to increased customer trust and loyalty towards your brand.

Builds brand awareness: by targeting interested parties in a timely manner companies can use email marketing to improve visibility and credibility in one swoop.

Fast to produce: with email marketing campaigns you can easily launch a major marketing initiative within a very short period of time.

Provides timely results and feedback: the gap in time between distribution and delivery for email marketing is measured in a matter of minutes. This means delivery times can be chosen with extremely accurate precision and results can be tracked almost immediately.